Monday, July 14, 2014

La Mujer Muerta

   La Mujer Muerta is a notable mountain range that can be seen from many different places in Segovia. My favorite place to admire the formation is in El Paseo del Salón where my school is located. There are several legends about La Mujer Muerta, but my favorite one goes like this: 
   A long time ago, there were two families living in a village. One of the two families was the richest family in town. They had a beautiful, kind daughter. The other family was the second richest in town and they had two strong sons. When the children were young, the parents decided, when they came of age, the daughter would marry the eldest son to unite their legacies. As the kids grew up, the daughter fell in love with the younger brother. The two of them begged their parents and the older brother to change the marriage arrangement, but the parents and the older brother refused. They were heartbroken, but continued to see each other in secret. One day, the oldest brother noticed something different about his wife-to-be and found out that she was pregnant with his younger brother's child. The two brothers drew their swords and began to fight. The daughter tried to stop the fight and ended up getting hit by one of the swords and dying. The gods made grew the mountains around her body as a reminder for the village people of this horrible event. (The translation from Spanish to English kind of takes away from the story, but that's okay.)

La Mujer Muerta is in the background of this picture. It's hard to see but you can almost make out her head on the left, then breasts, then pregnant belly, and feet to the right. 

   Fun fact about El Paseo del Salón - it's original name was El Paseo del Shalom because it is near the Jewish quarter in town and that is where the Jewish people would go to rest on the Sabbath, so it was common to hear Shalom in passing. The Spanish people do not have the "sh" sound in their language so it is extremely difficult for them to say. Due to this difficulty, the name of the park gradulally changed into El Paseo de Salón. 

El Paseo del Salón

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