Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Application Process [el proceso de aplicar]

   I have been in love with the Spanish language for as long as I can remember. In preschool, I was always enthusiastic to work with the teacher who spoke Spanish. I would come home every day using foreign vocabulary words my parents could not understand or teaching them how to count even higher in Spanish. I have continued my Spanish education through middle school and high school & now am a Spanish minor in college.   
   Choosing a Spanish minor was very easy for me; it just felt right. I knew keeping up with college-level work in a second language would be difficult, but would be more than worth it in the end. The idea of bilingualism is fascinating & impressive to me. When I signed my Spanish minor, I knew I was also signing up to study abroad. Honestly, that was another huge selling point for joining the program. I was infatuated with the idea of fully immersing myself in another language & culture. 
   I began researching programs in the beginning of my sophomore year. I looked at programs in Spanish-speaking countries all over the world: Chile, Costa Rica, Spain, Mexico. However, early on in the research process, I knew the MCSA Segovia Summer Program through AHA International was by far the best option for me.
   As soon as the applications through my university came out, I filled everything out & got all of the paperwork together. The application deadline was March 1st for my program which begins on June 20th. My school required an official transcript, an administrative fee, my current semester schedule, 2 (2x2) photos, a copy of my passport, and a faculty advisor course approval form. A couple of weeks after the deadline, I received an initial acceptance through my university and an email from an AHA International director outlining instructions for how to apply through them. I have most of my application done through AHA, but still need to write a letter to my host family. I am also about to turn in my application for a scholarship opportunity that AHA is offering. 

 Top 5 reasons why I chose MCSA Segovia:
   1) I have always, always, always wanted to go to Spain. Living there for six weeks is a dream I thought was unimaginable, but it's in the process of becoming a reality! 
   2) The program is run through AHA International, which has many added benefits that I will report on once I'm able to experience them firsthand. :)
   3) I spoke with another student at my university who had the same major (Communication Disorders) & minor (Spanish) as me and had already completed the program. She had the time of her life & informed me of some awesome internship opportunities that are offered once you arrive in Segovia - again, more on that once it happens. :)
   4) There are required excursions every weekend to various places in Spain, and... (drumroll please) it is all included in the program cost! I have already peeked at the possible excursions and have my heart set on touring the castles, prehistoric caves, & local winery. 
   5) The students that participate in this program live with a local family during their time there (AKA homestay.) I cannot wait to get an authentic experience and live with the locals. I mean, who could possibly give me a better tour? Also, the homestay experience forces you to speak Spanish while you are there. Again, there is no better way to improve your fluency than to have to use it all of the time. 

   Overall, I am just ecstatic to continue my adventure through this program. Every little step in the application process, every scholarship application filled out, every new fact I learn about Spain is one step closer to me having the experience of a lifetime. I cannot wait to see how this adventure changes me personally, professionally, and academically. I know that I will be a whole new person & that is so exciting! :)

If you would like more information about the MCSA Segovia program run through AHA International, or any of the other various programs they have, here is a link to their site:

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